For example, if the correlation data is perfect with a baseline at zero, and you know there is dust or other particulates in your sample that is causing this, to be able to "chop" the data where the exponential decay ends and have a fit of only that data. Some additional features which I think could be quite helpful would be to include not just a cumulant fit, but a CONTIN analysis (better for a greater variety of systems, especially polydisperse), and also the ability to select from the correlation data a range to analyze. It's nice that there are some "advanced" features that allow you more control over these normally set features, and that built in macros allow you access to raw data such as the correlation and size distribution if you wanted to do your own fit.

power settings, laser height, count rate monitoring - for you). " The Malvern Zetasizer nano is a great piece of equipment (especially considering it is a "black box" that does most of the difficult stuff - i.e. I would like to thanks Malvern for putting the easiest technology of measuring the charge and size of particles up to nanometer scale." In all, I would say its values for money deals for any researchers to invest in this kind of instruments.

I can not imagine my research project without this instrument to go into the depth of nanoemulsion science. Not much sample preparation is required to analyze the sample as well as very quick to get the results of my samples. It is used for the measurement of size, electrophoretic mobility of proteins, zeta potential of nanoparticles and surfaces, and optionally the microrheology of protein and polymer solutions. It is also useful for studying the stability of the colloidal particles to different environmental factors such as ionic strength and pH. The Zetasizer Nano ZSP has recently been superseded by the Zetasizer Ultra as Malvern Panalytical’s flagship Zetasizer. DTS1070 cell, the Malvern logo faces towards the front of the instrument.
Where to get help Manual and Help files The primary source of help for the Zetasizer system is from this. Menu commands are always shown in bold text. As an example, the command Configure-New SOP refers to selecting the New SOP item in the Configure menu.
No need to calibrate and easy to understand the results and interpretation. Zetasizer Software 7.11 Free Download 64-bit Start - Programs - Malvern Instruments - Zetasizer Software - Documentation - Manuals Man0485. The light path goes from front to back, align your cuvette appropriately. Malvern Instruments Limited Printed in England MRK0872-01 Enigma Business Park Grovewood Road, Malvern Worcs, WR14 1XZ, U.K. Menu commands from the Zetasizer software are referred to in the form main menu-menu item.

It's an excellent instrument, easy to use and reliable in terms of the repeatability of the results. I have been using this instrument for one and half year to analyze the nanodroplet size and charge for my nanoemulsions. " This is a great instrument to study the particle size, charge and molecular weight.