Spell focus magic initiate feat 5e
Spell focus magic initiate feat 5e

spell focus magic initiate feat 5e

If you are a spellcaster, will you pick your class when you gain The Magic Initiate effort? Yes, the feat doesn’t say you can not. The source of Magic Initiate 5e is Player’s Handbook. And you need to finish a long break before you can throw it in this way again. Using this feat, you can cast the Spell after at its lowest level. Also, select one 1st-level Spell to learn on the same list. You know, just two cantrips of your pick from that class’s spell record. Shillelagh can work fine on Fighters, which cap their Str or Dex to 15 or 14 for armor and then forget about it, but Monks' primary stat will eventually be pumped up.Select a class: bard, cleric, druid, Sorcerer, warlock, or magician. Could be decent for those more spellcasty types of Monks, but not Open hand. It is a monk weapon, which is good, but still unarmed strikes are still keyed off Dex. You'll have a character that can always keep warm, feed yoursdelf and wont have to squabble over magic weapons.Shillelagh is good at the start, if you plan to focus more on Wis than Dex, but eventually as Monk you will have to pump Dex in the end to increase AC and other goodies.


Goodberry to produce 10 berries, each giving you 1hp and count as full susentance, not great but not awful.Ĭreate fire, great for survival scenarios and can be used as a ranged attack also. Now yes your martial arts become magic in nature at level 6 but with shillelagh you can use your casting ability for attack and damage rolls so if you are a high Wis character this is a great start! Also the weapon becomes a D8, so magic weapon straight off the bat. I'd argue Druid for Shillelagh, Goodberry and create fire. This also depends on how long the campaign lasts, however, because the capstone of Open Hand is definitely worthwhile if your campaign is going just high enough to get it but no further. If you really want to up your combat effectiveness overall I'd say magic initiate probably isn't the best way to go with an Open Hand Monk, because of how limited it is - you get far more from 1 level of War Domain Cleric, or 2 levels of Moon Druid, than you do from that feat. Out of combat, Guidance is awesome - give someone a bonus to any skill check as long as you've thought at least a few seconds in advance to give them that extra 1d4. It also does radiant damage, which few things resist, and a lot of monsters have terrible dex saves. Healing Word in particular is going to be better as a cleric (or maybe Druid) spell because you already should have a decent wisdom bonus as a monk.Ī major drawback of Open Hand Monks is that, if they can't get in punching range, they lose a lot of effectiveness - so much that Sacred Flame as a cantrip may actually be the best move to make. Bless for three good attack rollin' types can improve overall effectiveness quite a bit (damage is irrelevant when you miss!). If the group is short on healing, being able to throw up a Healing Word once per long rest may not seem like much but it could be enough to give someone an extra turn or two in a fight instead of being on the ground useless, and it's a bonus action so you'd still get a regular action in there.

spell focus magic initiate feat 5e

If your only goal is combat effectiveness, it depends on the group as a whole and not just your monk. I just realized I was missing out on a potential +6 each turn by acting mage and shooting fireballs instead of hitting things (which makes sense for my character concept). The trade off is that they don't add ability modifiers to their damage. will add more dice to their respective damage pool. So at certain intervals Produce Flame, Thorn Whip, etc. Cantrip damage scales with level not caster level. On a side note in case you overlooked as I did initially. I didn't because we have one in my group and I don't want to steal her spotlight. I would suggest something else, but Hex is very good for you.Īnother class to consider is Cleric of Light. Yes your Eldritch Blast will suck and I wouldn't even bother with it honestly.

spell focus magic initiate feat 5e

Hex is amazing for Monk as you will be getting multi-attacks right out the gate. It has the ability to pull people and deal piercing damage though only 1d6 at early levels as oppose to the 1d8 from produce flame. Produce Flame is good, as it gives you an instant Lantern that you can throw at people. I went with Druid because the offensive spells were nice (plus I needed Mend for thematic reasons). I am currently playing a variant human Monk (though going Sun Soul) myself and picked that exact feat.

Spell focus magic initiate feat 5e